Friday, May 6, 2011

The Day The Crock Pot Tried To Kill Me

I spent all morning making a delish pulled pork recipe. I was super stoked to serve it to all of our friends. I carried it successfully to the car and sat down. all was well then BAM! out of nowhere the crock pot fell ALL OVER my feet and ankles. I blistered instantaneously. It was a sad day. I mostly feel bad for Wes who has had to do all the chores because the blisters are on the top and the bottom of my feet! 
Love that man. 

Just in case you can't believe i would be this clumsy here is a picture to prove my stupidity:

On the upside i am pretty sure i have thought of an amazing invention that is going to make us millions on the hit show SHARK TANK! Crock Pots with lids. snap on lids. spill proof lids. lids that won't scald your feet till they fall off. 
When we make millions we will send you all a portion of are welcome in advance.


Katelyn Krum Shaw said...

that's already been done my dear... I got a crock pot for my first wedding that has a snap on lid. You can actually turn it upside down and the contents won't come out. Sorry dear!

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