So I have been getting a lot of calls and texts on whether or not I am okay.
So here is the story...
One day I woke up because I had a sharp pain in my stomach. The next day I was nauseous. I ignored it. Well this little joy went on for several days. Finally I was nervous that it was a kidney stone because of how the pain was. We went to the E.R. (my second to least favorite place in the world.) The doctors did tests and found out it was an Ovarian Cyst. Yay they figured it out! WRONG!!
Silly doctors. I kept feeling the pain again and again only it was getting worse. Finally on Monday (1st) night I was gonna go nuts if I didn't get the pain fixed. I went in and the doctor told me that he was pretty sure I had a peptic ulcer and set me up for an endoscopy. I went in for the procedure and they found nothing. UGH!!
They told me it might just be cramps. Well 2 days ago I made an appt at the OB/GYN apparently I have endometriosis! (hopefully I spelled that right) They are treating me for that right now and It seems to be getting better. Hopefully it keeps getting better.
So yes I am fine! I am alive! Thank you all for your concern and well wishes!!!
Hello world!
5 years ago