Monday, June 7, 2010

Our cool new blog!

So we absolutely had to be cool and get a "married blog" like everyone else! So here we start another fun blogging journey! Woot!

First thing is first: WE ARE MARRIED!! YAY!!! But you probably already know that

Also we couldn't resist from a honeymoon baby! No not a real baby (sorry for the heart attack mom) but the cutest, sweetest puppy you have ever laid eyes on! We rescued him. His name is Sir Rupert and he is ADORABLE!!

Wes and I are both just working waiting for school to start. We are having fun going on a lots of walks and cooking with all the cool new appliances we got for our wedding. I have been trying to finish up all the thank you cards to send out. So until you get it in the mail, know that we are very thankful!

Have a great day! Wes and Jessa


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Wes and Jessa

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